We are a circular economy and sustainability services company, specialized in processs traceability and certification

Organizations face the challenge of updating themselves on sustainable governance issues, responding to the high existing requirements in regulatory matters. Now more than ever, investing in sustainability using the circular economy as a lever is key, not only in terms of economic, environmental, and social responsibility, but also to improve the competitiveness of the organization.


About us

Circulare is a company specialized in providing tangible solutions with sustainability and circular economy actions, through traceability and certification of processes.

We are a company associated with Tirme S.A. (a concession company dedicated to the integral management of waste treatment in a sustainable way in Mallorca).

We propose solutions to promote good environmental, social and above all circular practices.

Our objectives are:


What we do

We lead the real development of transformative Circular Economy projects, both as actors and as tractors, adding value to the actors that participate in them.

We work to promote circular and sustainability projects and initiatives in the business field, collaborating with public administrations, and promoting R+D+i.

We do it through services, technological tools and training for organizations, to materialize their commitment to the evolution and adoption of standards that respect the environment and to apply fairer and more environmentally friendly economic models, thus helping an ecological transition of the economy.


How we do it

Through personalized advice, and the use of proprietary IT solutions that allow the creation, monitoring and mapping of circular process flows, sustainability indicators and access to relevant information and metrics for monitoring or decision-making.



Our services are designed to help organizations in terms of circularity strategy, design of good environmental practices, preparation of sustainability action plans, and certification of circular processes.


Technological solutions

Our solutions, which involve IoT technologies, Blockchain, Cloud and Integrations with different systems and computer platforms, provide the necessary tools to carry out the management of the circular economy processes and the monitoring of the sustainability of the organization according to the standards international standards and current legislation and regulations.


Success stories

Project: Circular Hotels

Initiative focused on circularity and sustainability in existing production and commercial processes, emphasizing maximizing the value of this circularity, and ensuring that it is perceived and valued by the end user. Launched in 2018 promoted by Tirme, a concessionary company in charge of waste management on the island of Mallorca, and which has led to an effective, real and measurable implementation of the application of the circular economy to the consumption of vegetables in hotels in Mallorca.


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